Alumni “Intro to Adulting” Series

 Alumni Intro to Adulting Series 

Intro to Adulting Series Information

There are evening workshops on the third Thursday of every third month. Our upcoming series dates are:

  • June 15th, 2023: Understanding your Paycheck  (click here for recording)
  • September 21st, 2023: Investments and Savings
  • January 18th, 2024: Insurance Insights (cancelled)
  • March 21st, 2024: Financial Planning
  • June 20th, 2024: Paychecks (rescheduled)
  • September 19th, 2024: TBD
  • January 16th, 2025: Taxes in the New Year

More dates and topics to come!

WHERE: Intro to Adulting Series takes place virtually on Zoom (watch your email/SMS for instructions on joining, and RSVP using the form above)

WHEN: 7:30pm EST • 6:30pm CST • 4:30pm PST

During these 45-minute virtual meetings, alumni will have the opportunity to learn from experts around the country concerning real-life topics that will benefit you and your future! Our industry experts will share their knowledge and experiences with you, and you will have the opportunity to ask specific questions for instant advice and guidance.