Give Back University Partner: Binghamton University

Give Back University Partner: Binghamton University

Give Back’s partnership with Binghamton University provides our scholars with support in the form of tutoring, mentorship, and connections with students and faculty on campus. We do not doubt that our students will have a seamless transition to higher education because of our great partners. We work with an excellent trio that makes it all happen, Michelle Gardner, Craig Broccoli, and Steve Rebello. Michelle helped start our partnership and set up our pre-paid scholarships. Craig will guide our students through the University’s application process, and Steve will ensure our students receive supports on campus. Let’s learn more about their work and vision.

Michelle Gardner is the Senior Director of Foundation Relations and Campaign Gift Strategies, and also a Binghamton alumna. She describes her work as more than fundraising for the University. She brings together people who want to change the world through academic quality with those who can. Michelle works with Binghamton’s alumni network each day to support students who wish to make the world a better place. Before her work in higher education, Michelle worked in politics and public relations. Now, she cannot imagine doing her job for anything but public higher education. “Your work is easier if you care about what you do and worthwhile if you have a passion behind it,” Michelle says.

Michelle has a witty sense of humor that will make you laugh for minutes at a time. She holds that if you spend too much time with her, she will ask for a donation to the University. She wants the best for Binghamton University and its students. When asked about her hopes for Give Back scholars, she yearns for the scholars to find success and themselves in whichever form that means. “I want them to be successful and give to students like they were given to or share a wealth of experiences with students,” Michelle noted.

Craig Broccoli is the Associate Director of Admissions. He describes his work as engagement with students wherever they are in their application process. Craig reviews thousands of applications a year. He also helps students navigate their selected academic programs and get to the next step on campus.

Craig guides students through the EOP program and the Binghamton Advantage program. The EOP program provides support and advocacy for students who meet academic and financial criteria from the time of admission through graduation and beyond. The Binghamton Advantage Program is a joint admissions program that allows students to live on Binghamton University campus while taking SUNY Broome classes with the opportunity to transfer to Binghamton after one or two years. Students in the program have access to smaller classes and receive advising from SUNY Broome and Binghamton.

Craig is a Binghamton alumnus and an Engineer with a passion for solving problems. His admiration for Binghamton empowers him to connect high school students to the University because it is a low-cost academic platform making palpable changes in the world. Craig is energetic, kind, and dedicated. During a virtual information session for our high school juniors, he engaged with our students. He had them asking question after question for over 90 minutes! He hopes that Give Back scholars realize they are capable of so much. “Meet students from all over the world and find your team with a drive to make a change,” Craig notes.

Steve Rebello is the Director of TRIO – Student Support Services. He works to bring students up to speed with the University’s level of academics. Once students commit to the University, they are invited to TRIO and the Summer Bridge program. Both programs ensure students connect with each other, TRIO staff, and the campus community. Steve always knew he wanted to work with youth. He worked as an Orientation and a Biology Teacher, before joining Binghamton University. However, Steve yearned to help students overcome obstacles as a counselor. He realized he could enable many teachable moments outside of the classroom.

Steve is passionate and wise. His passion for education equity becomes evident through his insights and descriptions of Binghamton’s support services. He hopes that Give Back scholars “avoid preconceived ideas of who they are going to be and are open to changes they experience while on campus.” Whether by meeting new people or taking courses outside of their majors to explore areas of interest, “open your eyes to all the university and world has to offer,” Steve says.

Michelle, Craig, and Steve would love for a Give Back, and Binghamton alumnus to reach the White House, return to campus for commencement, and tell the graduates that they could achieve such a goal. Where will they be? All three agree that they will likely be cheering loudly in the audience.

Thank you, Michelle, Craig, and Steve, for opening doors for access to education. It is an honor to work with you.

Photo Credits: Binghamton University/ Jonathan Cohen ©

Alumni Spotlight: Lupe Flores

Alumni Spotlight: Lupe Flores

GSB: What college or university did you attend, and what did you study? When did you graduate?

LF: Bradley University, Major in Psychology minor in Health Graduated May 2017

GSB: What are you doing now in life and career?

LF: I am currently pursuing a Masters in School Counseling and working in the Office of Admissions at Northern Illinois University as an Admissions Counselor.

GSB: What does receiving the Give Something Back scholarship mean to you?

LF: Receiving the Give Something Back scholarship means that I have the opportunity to pursue my dreams and more. College was always something I was determined to do, although I didn’t know how. GSB has opened so many doors for me and I am extremely grateful. It means that I am able to start a legacy in my family as I am a first-generation student. This scholarship has helped make my friends and family proud and it is what motivates me to continue to do my best every day.

GSB: How has receiving the Give Something Back scholarship changed your life?

LF: Receiving the scholarship has changed my life by providing me with many opportunities. Outside of the scholarship, the guidance and support I received through the organization really help me become the person I am today.

GSB: Is there anything else we can share about you or your thoughts about Give Something Back?

LF: I am super appreciative of everyone in the program that helped me grow through it. There were so many things that I experienced during my college process, one of them being losing my mother to cancer, and I always had people like Bob T, Steve, my peers in the program, and my mentor really support me to push through. I still remember using college visits as a distraction from everything going on. My mother always told me, the world can take so much away from you, but one of things it can’t take is your education. She was so excited to hear the news about me receiving the Give Something Back scholarship, so I know she sends her thank yous as well.

GSB: How do you plan to “give back” someday? Or how are you already ‘giving back’?

LF: I always try my best to give back in any way I can. I was involved with a community service organization at Bradley University because giving back has always been something I am passionate about. After graduating college, I wanted to make sure that whatever role I took on, I was serving my community in some way. I started off working at the Illinois Student Assistance Commision (ISAC) as an ISACorps representative. I was supporting student through their college process by mentoring, presenting on financial aid in the community, and hosting FAFSA completion workshops. In my role as an Admission Counselor I give back by being a resource for students. Through both ISAC and NIU I found a passion for working with students. I am planning on starting my Masters in School Counseling this Summer at NIU and I hope to continue to give back.

GSB: What advice would you give to other Give Back scholars recently selected for the program?

LF: My advice is to take advantage of all the opportunities offered through the program. Really use your mentor and ask them anything and everything about their college experience. Be engaged in the different presentations and workshops. Be prepared to ask questions when you visit different colleges and universities. You definitely get what you put in, so go out of your way to network with other students and all the great people that run the programs.

Thanks for taking the time to update us on your life, Lupe!

COVID-19 Partner College Response: Kansas and Illinois

COVID-19 Partner College Response: Kansas and Illinois

Our partner colleges are working hard to accommodate and support current and future students affected by the coronavirus. All colleges extended enrollment deadlines, facilitate virtual academic advising, and share coronavirus resources. In part two of this blog series, we will examine the different measures implemented by partner colleges in Illinois and Kansas to guide and assist students while they are at home.


Lewis University

Most university employees and offices are open virtually in response to the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Students are advised to review the updated schedule for university administrative office hours: Students and staff on campus for essential business must display a student, faculty, or staff ID to the Lewis University Police Department at the front entrance.

Lewis University is committed to supporting students as they transition to online classes and online learning. As a result, peer-to-peer tutoring is available online, and students can access Brainfuse, a service of real tutors in a wide range of subjects, including English, Math, and Science. The University also set up general email inboxes for questions, concerns, and accommodations. Students can email or More details on academic support and resources for students can be found at

For COVID-19 information, students can visit this website:

Blackburn College

Blackburn College’s Biology department has donated 1,200 medical examination gloves and 10 high-grade respirators to Illinois hospitals in efforts to assist with the health crisis.

The faculty and staff are supporting students over email and phone and giving them tailor-made individual advice for how to continue forward. Refund and emergency relief checks for unused housing and food charges will be coming to many students. Also, students will receive full credit for their Work Program tuition credit despite not working in the last eight weeks. This is a $1250 benefit to each student in the Work Program.

A staff member opened her home to a student with nowhere to return to when the campus closed. The student will stay with the staff member throughout the summer. Virtual counseling is also available by scheduling an appointment with Counseling Services at or

Students are grateful for the college’s hands-on approach to this unprecedented challenge. A current Blackburn student expressed the following appreciation to her professor:

“I just wanted to reach out to express how extremely grateful I am for your understanding, and just for you really care about your students. Going through what we all are right now, I have learned a lot about people, my professors especially, and I just want you to know that I really do appreciate how you’re doing this class … thank you for being nice and knowing that we’re all struggling in our own ways right now.”

For COVID-19 information, students can visit this website:


Wichita State University

Wichita State University has allocated half of its CARE act awarded funds – approximately $4.4 million – to emergency financial aid grants for eligible students. The Wichita State Foundation also set up a fund for COVID-19 related expenses for students. See more information here:

Undergraduate students struggling with the academic transition can adjust course grades from the assigned letter grade to a credit/non-credit option, and an unsatisfactory/unsatisfactory option is available for graduate students. Frequently asked questions are answered on this resource page:

Pittsburg State University

The Pittsburg State University Student Success team is offering student success workshops twice a week. Topics include stress management and tips on learning in an online environment, and program updates can be found here:

The University also provided laptops for students that needed them to continue with online classes at home. Frequently asked questions are answered on this resource page:

Baker University

Baker University set up its Outreach Network Student Concern form. Faculty, staff, and students can request assistance for themselves or others based on concerns with both academic and personal issues due to online learning here:

Students at the College of Arts and Sciences also had the opportunity to request that courses for the spring 2020 term be graded Pass/NC. Peer tutoring and the writing center are available online. Information on how to access tutors and the writing center are detailed on this resource page:

Kansas State University

Recognizing the financial challenges many students experience due to the COVID-19 crisis, Kansas State University is significantly reducing online fees for summer school undergraduate and graduate courses this year. For more information, visit the Division of Financial Services,

The University also developed resource pages and videos to assist students with the transition to online learning:





Kansas State University enacted a K State Today Student Edition for current and potential students to find all virtual events, local news, and publications in one place. This update releases Monday-Friday and can be accessed here:

For KSU COVID-19 resources and updates, students can visit:

We here at Give Something Back are proud to call all these outstanding colleges our partners!

COVID-19 Partner College Response: New York

COVID-19 Partner College Response: New York

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused hardships and uncertainty for many students around the United States. Most of our partner colleges have transitioned to distance learning for the remainder of the spring and summer 2020 semesters. In New York, the epicenter of the pandemic, our partner colleges are making great strides to ensure students start and continue their education. Our partner colleges are making great strides to ensure students start and continue their education. In part one of this blog series, we will note the different measures implemented by partner colleges in New York to guide and assist students while they are at home.

Queens College

To navigate the academic transitions, students can connect with advisors virtually through FaceTime, Google HangOut, Skype, and Zoom. To make a virtual appointment, students can call the Academic Advising Center at (718) 997-5599, email, or download the QC Navigate app from the Apple Store or Google Play.

Queens College is also loaning Chromebooks and iPads through the Spring Semester to provide students with vital technology for distance learning. Students can request these loaner devices through the Office of the Provost, which mails the devices directly to the students’ preferred mailing addresses. Additionally, remote library access is available using live chat with a librarian or the QC ID.

Students seeking socio-emotional support and assistance with academic-related stress may access free services of a licensed mental health professional through the Counseling, Health, & Wellness Center. Students are encouraged to call (718) 997-5420 and leave a message with their contact information. Callbacks take place during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, from 9 AM to 5 PM.

To prevent food insecurity in the lives of its students, Queens College established the Knights Table Pantry in 2018. The Pantry continues to provide enrolled students with access to non-perishable food items for themselves and immediate family members. Students can access the Pantry via appointments only. Students are advised to email or call 718-997-0393.

Mercy College

In response to the pandemic, Mercy College changed its grading policy. Each student can select the credit earned or the no earned credit option for any individual Spring 2020 course starting Monday, April 20, 2020. The deadline to complete this request is Thursday, May 7, 2020. However, once a student selects the credit earned or the no earned credit option, they are unable to change back to a letter grade. Students struggling with the transition to online learning can also secure tutoring services. The Tutoring Center is offering online tutoring services on a revised schedule and by appointment only through the Mercy Campus EAB platform.

Mercy College’s Student Counseling Center is offering all appointments through the virtual platform, To schedule an appointment, students must email Students facing technical issues with their Blackboard platform, emails, or computers can connect with Mercy’s IT Helpdesk. The Helpdesk is available 24/7 at or (914) 674-7526.

Mercy College is committed to keeping its students informed and safe. It has developed the resource pages below to aid in this task:

Hunger Relief & Social Services:
Emotional Wellbeing:
Career & Professional Development:
Online Support:

Binghamton University

To navigate the academic transitions, students have the option of connecting virtually to academic advisors via email, phone, and Zoom. The Student Services webpage includes information on how to contact and set up appointments with each of Binghamton University’s schools. A Pass/Fail policy was also implemented for the Spring 2020 semester, which applies to most undergraduate students, except for those in academic programs with licensure or accreditation regulations.

Binghamton University created a website with information for students on how to use technology successfully, communicate in an online environment and remain motivated when taking classes online. Students lacking devices necessary for online learning can submit a request for a laptop, Wi-Fi HotSpot, or other electronic equipment through the University’s Center for Learning and Teaching (CLT).

Students with food insecurity can still access the campus Food Pantry via an online ordering process. The online ordering form asks for a student’s first name, Binghamton University’s ID number, and a choice of day/time for pickup. The Pantry’s staff bag the items and have them ready at the requested pickup time. The form is available each week at 3 PM Friday for the following week’s orders.

Binghamton University remains committed to keeping its students physically and mentally healthy. It has set up the resource pages below to aid in this task:

Academic Continuity website
The CARE Team
Health Promotion and Prevention Services
Meditation labyrinth
Services for Students with Disabilities

Stay tuned for more details on what our partner colleges in the Midwest are doing to support current and prospective scholars!

Creating Structure in Times of Uncertainty

Creating Structure in Times of Uncertainty

By: Chabe Acosta, Program Manager of Give Back, New York

Times are complicated. You are stressed by deadlines, and there’s so much happening. Living through this pandemic, your days may lack structure and your academic performance and mental health are affected. We’d like to help you create structure within the uncertainty that surrounds us. We want to encourage you to have an idea of how each of your days will look like. Don’t worry we won’t tell you how to spend each hour. Our goal is to help you find a way to make life work and maybe even achieve new routine that can guide you through this difficult time.

The first step is to stay organized. Develop a personal schedule that accounts for how each day will look. Keep tabs of your virtual class times and deadlines. Having an organized workspace keeps you focused and allows you to work effectively (see my desk below for reference). Creating a routine is also a great time-management exercise. You will know how much time you need each day to work on your assignments, and learn how to use your free time wisely.

Take into consideration that a rough start to virtual learning does not mean you’re doomed for the rest of the academic year. Don’t be discouraged by a bad grade, or experience with a teacher. Try your best to improve any areas you feel you’re lacking in and do not give up. Be proactive! Review your online assignments regularly and seek online tutoring resources such as Khan Academy for topics you’re iffy about. If you do not understand your teacher’s communication style, ask for clarification or get in touch with a peer. Don’t forget that reading a little each day goes a long way. Look at your classes’ assigned readings and try to read each day. You’ll be more prepared to tackle those writing assignments. You can even start or join a reading club if you need that extra encouragement from a peer.

Let’s take a step back from school. While you’re thinking about how to create a routine for each day, plan ahead. Set a medium-term goal or two for the next couple of weeks. Maybe you do that one thing you’ve been putting off such as organizing your closet or starting to work out. You may even decide to learn a new skill on your own. How about the basics of a foreign language or how to play an instrument? You can do some research and watch online tutorials. Just make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T (or Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-based). Also, use your time in quarantine to catch up with your family and friends. Learn about their social distancing plans or what they’re working on. Check-in on how they’re doing and be mindful. You can have a virtual game night during the week or help a family member with a pending chore.

Take some time to relax and unwind. Text a friend, play videogames, watch movies or listen to music. But, do not let these activities affect your sleep pattern or take up most of your time during the day. It may be fun to scroll through Instagram, Snapchat or Tik Tok at all hours of the night, but you’ll regret it the next morning. Start each feeling rested and ready to conquer everything thanks to continual good nights of sleep. Keep in mind that none of us knows how the next couple of weeks are going to pan out or the best way to get through this. Remember that the best structure to manage everything is the one that works for you. In times of uncertainty, your structure and routine can ground you.